Friday, 23 January 2009

Apache Camel - Something Fresh

I have been working with Apache Camel for a good 8-9 months now, and have been committing as much as I can more recently. It is amazing as it feels like a breath of fresh air from the complexities of jbi in the servicemix arena.

Of course, many who work on and with servicemix also work on and work with camel and that is why I find camel refreshing. Simply that it is all the goodness of servicemix without the layer of jbi. Not to knock jbi of course, but it was very complex working with myriads of SU and SA Zip files that sometimes did nothing more than bloat your .m2 repository. Ahh those were the days. (edit: I will add that I am looking forward to the new ServiceMix 4.0 kernel as it , from what I can tell, is making large task of simplifying the architecture).

So what am I using Camel for ? Recently a client has had some iteresting gaps in a project that neither the global provided ETL PowerCenter informatica or locally developed scripts were sufficing or could suffice the gap.

Primarily we have been camel riding inside AMQ so we get good cluster support (potential) but it's the out of box nature that I enjoy (used to it from the servicemix days).

So .. good work Camel devs, keep it up, and hopefully I can keep it up.

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